How to Save on Grocery Shopping Bills?

Life is expensive, and it always helps if we can find a way to save money when we spend. One of the most significant expenditures we have in the house is on groceries. It is not something you purchase on a one-off, so you cannot really budget for it like you would if you were buying a piece of furniture.

Many people have not managed to master the art of how to save on grocery shopping bills. More often than not, you will find people in the supermarket just picking whatever they need and putting it in their shopping basket. If you are guilty of this, the one constant, you will quickly realize is that you spend a lot of money on your purchases. 

You also end up buying items that you may not necessarily need. You will, therefore, find that you are throwing out certain things such as food because you do not end up consuming them. If you feel it is time to change your behavior with regards to shopping, then this article will be extremely timely for you. We will share with you fantastic tips on how to save on grocery shopping bills. By learning to shop on a budget, you will spend less on bills, thus leading to more savings on your part.

1. Never Go Shopping Grocery Without a List

There can be no sage advice without starting with this one. You must never go grocery shopping without a shopping list. It will guide your shopping, but you must have enough discipline to stick to what you have on it.

The best way to come up with the grocery list is to have a meal plan for the week. You will then only by what you require to whip up some fantastic meals for the family. Be prudent in your shopping so that you save on grocery shopping bills.  

2. Rethink Your Meals

We may occasionally want to serve our families with gourmet meals, and that is fine, but only sometimes. You cannot continuously spend so much money on your groceries to please your family by coming up with some expensive meals. With the right recipe, you can transform a very simple meal into a delicious feast for the family. Look up some fantastic recipes for inexpensive products, and you will end up with some tremendous bill savings

Another excellent money-saving tip is to forgo some of the more expensive meals occasionally. We all like steak or chicken, but we know they can be costly. You can come up with some strictly vegetarian recipes, thus allowing you to save on your grocery shopping bills. And look at it this way, it is a much healthier alternative than eating meat every single day.

3. Use Leftovers

Instead of cooking two meals a day, how about you cook a lot of food and eat it for dinner and the next day at lunch. You can even pack it up and have it for lunch. So instead of feeding the leftovers to your pet, use them the next day. Some people have certain days when they rid the fridge of any leftovers. On that day, they cook no meals and only consume what is in their fridge. It makes for an exciting meal combination, and you do not waste anything.

4. It Is Alright To Buy Generic

Some people say that they cannot consume generic brands. Yet the reality is that they are cheaper, and the quality is just as good as the original ones. If the chefs can do it, why shouldn't you? You must, however, ensure that you know the product you are buying so that you do not get some low-quality stuff. Some of the products to buy include food staples such as sugar, cooking oil, and flour. Such brands do not have taste variations, and you would be hard-pressed to identify which is generic or original.

You will also not notice any taste difference when you buy canned produce. You may, however, want to stick to the non-generic versions when you are purchasing some of the cocktails due to issues of taste preference. The same applies to frozen produce, which is very expensive when you buy the brands. Get the generic versions are just as good.

You may, however, want to avoid generic meat or other household products such as toilet paper if you are very particular about quality.  

5. Track Your Expenditure When Shopping

You may have been at the grocery store and see some individuals shop with a calculator. Every time they pick an item, they add it up. Now that is a sign of someone who knows how to spend responsibly. If you have not been doing the same, you should consider taking on this habit. It is easier for you to leave an item when it is on the shelf than to return it once you reach the cashier.

Crunching the numbers will help you know when you are about to reach your spending limit. You are also less likely to go overboard with your spending when you have the number staring you in the face. Together with the calculator, you must have a list that guides your shopping. 

Another fantastic way to spend less on bills is by rounding up the amount every time you pick an item. You get to have an approximate cost of your total expenditure but on the higher side. It will stop you from going overboard with regards to your spending. It also doesn't hurt to have the cashier tally less than what you have on your checklist.

6. Take Advantage Of Farmers Market Days

Farmers typically have a market day where you can buy their produce fresh from the Farm. It will surprise you that the prices can be quite reasonable. Think about shopping later in the day when the farmer is more interested in finishing what they brought to the market. We can assure you that no farmer wants to go back with their produce. Earlier in the day, the prices may be higher. 

7. Think About Whether You Really Need the Package

You will find some items in the grocery store that are pre-packaged. You must understand that in as much as there is a certain convenience, you will incur the cost of the packaging. It will result in higher prices than you could do without. 

8. Be Creative With Your Meals

You may have a liking for spaghetti and meatballs, but do you know that you could actually have spaghetti and tin beans. What you need is a little creativity, and you can take the items in your pantry to come up with some satisfying meals. By substituting food items and using what you have available in the home, you will be able to save quite a bit of money.

9. Rethink Bulk Buying For Some Items

Bulk buying is a fantastic way to save money because wholesale items are generally. It is also an excellent way to shop if you get people to share the items. You could, for example, buy with a family member and then divide the bulk items. However, the lure of wholesale pricing may make you ignore the important aspect of price comparisons. You may find that it may be cheaper for you to buy some items on retail rather than wholesale. It will also not make sense if you are buying for very few people, especially for those items that tend to last a long time.

10. Preserve Some Food Items

You may find certain items selling at an excellent price point. You could, for example, buy in-season vegetables and preserve them for use at a later date. You have the option of freezing or pickling some of the food items. You will get some fantastic ideas online to help you with the process. The result is when they go off-season, you still have your stock, thus allowing you to save on grocery shopping bills.

11. Rethink the Use Of Your Credit Card

The advantage of using your credit card when shopping is that you do not have to handle cash. However, you can end up spending a lot of money because it is just so easy. You have access to money and can, therefore, end up buying items you do not need. The best option when going grocery shopping is to use cash. There is something about shopping with cash that will stop you in your tracks every time you think of overspending. You also get to carry only what you need, and will therefore not have any excess for frivolous, non-list items. 

12. Check the Prices When At the Grocery Store

There is one trick you may not be aware of. Grocery stores will stock the most expensive items at eye level. But the best bargains are usually on the top shelf, which unfortunately many people tend to ignore. It is a marketing gimmick that you must accept, but you must be smarter when you are doing your shopping. There is no embarrassment with being a smart shopper. It may be annoying for anyone who accompanies you on the trip, but they always have the option of staying at home. Do not shop in a rush so that you take all the time you need to compare prices. You will, for sure, be able to save on grocery shopping bills.

Checking prices also means that you did not limit yourself to one shop. Think about multiple outlets when you are doing your shopping, as a way to save on grocery bills. You may find that one store has very friendly prices with regards to fresh vegetables, perhaps due to their supplier. Another may be able to give you goods at very friendly prices. With a little time expenditure on your part, you will be able to land some excellent deals.

13. Think About the Overall Cost Of a Shopping Trip

There are other costs associated with doing your grocery shopping. You may, for example, find that one store has terrific deals on vegetables, but the distance from your house will not make sense. You have to factor in the time and money you spend on the transit. Have a holistic look at your list and budget, and then think about where you want to do your shopping.

14. Take Advantage Of Offers

Many groceries have sales Cycles that you can take advantage of. They put certain items on offer at particular times. It does not mean that the items are bad; it is just a marketing strategy. Take note of such times to do shopping for some of the grocery items you can keep for a long time. You will be able to save on grocery shopping bills by doing a little detective work occasionally.

Avoid spending money where you can save it. You can, for example, bring your shopping bag so that you do not pay for packaging.

15. Go Shopping On a Full Stomach

The best way to spend money unnecessarily is by shopping when you are hungry. You end up buying unnecessary items to stop the hunger cravings. You will find yourself buying snacks, but you do not really need to. It can be especially trying if you are shopping with hungry children.

16. Learn How To Say No

If you are going grocery shopping with the children, learning how to say no when you are doing your shopping can save you quite a bit of money. Children have no concept of money and will demand items that are not on your list. If you can, leave them at home when you are doing your grocery shopping. If you cannot, learn how to be firm when they ask for the things they like. 

17. Do Not Follow Sales Gimmicks

Yes, we have stated above that you should take advantage of the offers. It does not, however, mean that you buy things just because they are on offer. Only buy what you need by sticking to your shopping list. 

18. Grow Your Crops

If you have a knack for gardening and have space for it, you can save on grocery shopping bills by growing some of your crops. Some items, such as tomatoes, green pepper, onions, among others, are easy to grow in your kitchen garden. You also have the advantage of trying organic farming for healthier alternatives. If you have a surplus, you can always sell it to the neighbors for an additional source of income.

You will especially save on household bills if you grow your herbs. Herbs can be expensive, yet they are such an essential component of most meals. Growing them does not require much space, and you can use some of the creative ways of maximizing the space you have available.

19. Negotiate On Your Bills

You may think that you do not have the option of negotiating when you go to the grocery store, but you are wrong. You can ask for lower prices, or even discounts on some of the items. Negotiating is an art that you must master so that you do not offend the other parties.


Your Billry Store

Reach Financial Freedom. Negotiate Your Bills and Save Money.

20. Do Not Get Stuck On One Brand

We understand that it takes time to find the right brand for you. It involves a lot of trial-and-error, and for many people, once they find the right one, they do not move from it. Yet, the reality is that you can save on grocery shopping bills by occasionally switching brands. The one you like may be costly, and you can get the same item from another company for much less. 

Some grocers also have their brands, which are cheaper than the name brands.  You will often find that the products are just as good, and you can save so much money by buying them. 

21. Buy Inexpensive Staples

You will find tons of inexpensive staples that you can use to create fantastic meals. Such include frozen vegetables, beans, brown rice, oats, and bananas, among others. You can use them to create dishes such as pasta, pot roast, healthy breakfast options, among others. You also get to avoid over-processed foods that will not do anything for your overall well-being. You also get to save on grocery shopping bills while enjoying the health benefits.

22. Avoid Prepared Food

You may be very busy and feel that buying prepared food will save you a lot of time. Some groceries have pre-made pizzas, fruits, and salads, among others. You must, however, note that they do have a cost implication to them. After all, someone has to do the preparation and will need to be paid. The packaging also costs money, which you end up paying for. 

If you find that you are very busy during the week, take advantage of weekends to pre-package your food in advance. You will save on grocery shopping bills by doing your own pre-packaging. You can also take more care in how you prepare them for hygiene purposes.

23. Take Advantage Of Loyalty Programs

While many people dismissed loyalty programs as marketing tools, they will help you save money on grocery shopping bills. After all, you get to spend money on that particular grocery, so why not take advantage of their customer appreciation programs. You can get discounts for specific items, or even get money-back offers.  

24. Shop At Discount Stores

Shopping at discount stores is a fantastic way to spend less on bills. You also get the option of buying things in bulk. You may, however, want to avoid their perishable products so that you don’t end up throwing away food because you're not able to use them. However, if you do buy them, think about how to preserve them, so that you get long-term usage out of them. 

25. Expand Your Shopping Horizon

You do not always have to go to a grocery shop to purchase the items you need. There are non-grocery stores such as Walmart or Target that have very competitive pricing on some of the food items. Take advantage of online platforms such as Google Express, or Amazon Express to get the food right to your doorstep. You get to save on grocery shopping bills. You also save time, and the convenience will allow you to prepare your food at home, without worrying that you will run out of supplies.

26. Use the Shopping Apps Available

Some groceries have shopping apps that increase efficiency while giving the customers some fantastic deals. You may, for example, find those that will load coupons automatically once you scan the barcode. You also get access to sales and other marketing gimmicks that could save you some fantastic cash. It, however, does not mean that because you have the shopping app, you do not take the time to make your price comparisons. Price comparisons will help to save on grocery shopping bills.

27. Do Not Linger At the Shop Store

This point may seem to be a contradiction to what we have been saying above. While it is true that you should not rush the shopping process, you must, however, not linger unnecessarily at the grocery store. Since you are working off a list, get the items you need, and get out as soon as possible. The more you linger, the more the motivation for impulse buying. The situation can especially get out of hand if your children are with you. Before you know it, the shopping carts will be full of unnecessary treats that you have no business buying. 

28. Encourage Your Children To Spend Wisely From an Early Age

Teaching your children the right money management skills is one of the best things you can ever do for them. When you start giving them allowances, you should teach them how to budget it. They must understand that if they use the money frivolously, they will have to go without the things they want.  When you involve them in the budgeting process, they will also feel that you value their opinion. 

29.Buy Meat In Bulk

You will save on grocery shopping bills if you buy meat in bulk. It is cheaper, it allows you to take advantage of promotions, and you can simply freeze it. Buy the meat from your local butcher and get a variety if you can. You will have very many options when you want to prepare it for your family. It will also be a relief for those days you do not have money to buy meat during the week or month. 

Now here is something to consider, you will save-a-lot on your grocery shopping bills by buying aged meat. Discount stores will sell old beef at a low price. It does not mean that the meat is bad, only that it is not newly delivered straight from the slaughterhouse. Some people actually prefer the taste of older beef.

30.Limit the Number Of Trips You Make To the Store


Shopping smart requires that you cut down on the number of times you go to the grocery store. While sometimes it may be unavoidable, especially if you are buying fresh vegetables, think about purchasing some of the other items every month. If you are always dropping by the grocery store on your way back home, you may end up buying things you do not need. If you shop without a list, you may end up picking unnecessary items, thus resulting in frivolous spending.

31.Think About Shopping Online

Online shopping has made it very easy for us to access whatever we need. From the comfort of your home or your mobile phone, make your order. Now, wait for the delivery right to your doorstep. It is also a fantastic way to save on grocery shopping bills because you get to avoid any impulse buying. Since the products are not physically within your reach, you cannot just add anything to your shopping cart. When buying goods on the online platform, you go in knowing what you want and will not waste a lot of time browsing for additional products. Take advantage of some of the offers they have, thus allowing you to save on grocery shopping bills. 

Final Thoughts

We have shared with you 31 ways to save on grocery shopping bills. Every individual has their approach the shopping, but our tips above will save you quite a bit of cash. There is no one individual who does not like to save, and the process is straightforward. 

If you want to pick some of the top things you need to do, the first would be to have a shopping list. It will help you stick to your budget, but you must have the necessary discipline. We recommend that you check the different prices and buy in bulk where you can. Also, look at how you can preserve some of the in-season foods so that when they go off-season, you have sufficient stock to tide you over.